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1. Every member of St. John Ambulance has certain rights and responsibilities. This information should be made available to all members.



2. St. John Ambulance recognizes the diverse and multicultural composition of its volunteer environment and its workplace, and appreciates the dignity, worth and contribution of each member. Equal rights and opportunities are provided for all members.

3. All volunteers of St. John Ambulance have the right to:

a. be regarded as a person with individuality, uniqueness and value, regardless of race, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, pardoned offense, physical disability or mental disability;

b. equal treatment with respect to services, without discrimination;

c. equal treatment with respect to volunteer employment, without discrimination;

d. be carefully interviewed and to have programs clearly explained;

e. be appropriately assigned to a job that is rewarding to them;

f. expect training and supervision to enable them to perform their job well;

g. suggest to their supervisor ways to make their job more fulfilling;

h. discuss potential reassignment with their supervisor;

i. receive recognition for their services; and

j. be educated concerning health and occupational risks and how to minimize those risks.

4. Harassment on the basis of any items listed in paragraph 3(a) will not be tolerated within St. John Ambulance.

5. Employment-related obligations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982) apply to volunteers as well as paid employees. This applies only to human rights legislation and not to other laws.



6. Members of St.John Ambulance have the responsibility to:

a. provide service to St. John Ambulance to assist in fulfilling its mission, which is to enable Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by providing training and community service;

b. be honest and open with other volunteers and with staff regarding their intent, goals, needs and skills;

c. understand the requirements of time and duties of assignments before accepting them, and once accepted, fulfill the commitment to the very best of their ability;

d. work as professionals and as respected members of a team;

e. take the commitment seriously and participate in the training and learning opportunities made available;

f. respect the confidentiality of St. John Ambulance and its members and clients; and

g. seek and accept honest feedback on performance.

7. Members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade are also expected to carry out the obligations stated in StJCI 2-9-3 (paragraph 2).

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000