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1. A conflict of interest is a situation in which a member has opposing loyalties or obligations, whether personal, philosophical, or financial.


2. Volunteer board members are responsible for decisions affecting policy, and must exercise their duty of loyalty by avoiding any conflict of interest. A board member who has a conflict of interest, or a perceived conflict of interest (e.g. is also a board or staff member of a competing organization; is employed by a company doing business transactions with the Board), must declare this at the first possible opportunity. Once a conflict of interest is declared, the member may neither speak nor vote on any motion or amendment made concerning the matter in question. Those who abstain from participation or leave the meeting because of their declared conflict of interest are still counted when determining a quorum. All declared conflicts of interest at this level must be recorded in the Record of Proceedings.

3. Individuals holding a volunteer position with St. John Ambulance may hold a second volunteer position in the organization only when the appointing authorities are aware and consent to the appointment to the second position, having regard to potential conflict of interest. Conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest, may arise in situations where a volunteer is in a position to make decisions that are of benefit to another volunteer position that they hold within St. John Ambulance.

4. Paid staff may serve as St. John Ambulance volunteers within the following parameters:

a. the volunteer position is as a direct-service member (note that staff members may be required to serve on committees as a function of their paid employment);

b. the volunteer service provided is totally voluntary, and without coercion;

c. the duties are performed outside the usual working hours of the staff member;

d. paid staff choosing to volunteer as Brigade members do so in accordance with StJCI 2-3-1, paragraph 19; and

e. a perceived conflict of interest does not exist.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000