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1. The role of Medical Officers is to provide direction and assistance on medical matters to officers and members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The Medical Officer is part of a management team, and is expected to work in a mutually supportive and beneficial role.


2. Medical Doctors (MDs) must have the following qualifications to act in their professional capacity or attend a Brigade duty as a caregiver:

a. be actively practising their profession;

b. hold a current valid license in the province or territory of membership (a license from any province/territory is acceptable if performing administrative duties only); and

c. hold a valid Standard First Aid (triennial) and CPR (Level C - annual) certificate (BTS is optional).

3. To provide independent patient care, MDs must be certified to a minimum of BTS Level 1. This may be achieved through one of the following ways:

a. challenge the BAP through the Comprehensive Challenge Assessment Process (see StJCI 2-4-5, paragraphs 5 and 6);

b. complete the BTS training and BAP evaluation; or

c. submit a request for equivalency to the Provincial/Territorial Medical Officer (equivalency will be considered, with no testing, for an MD in active clinical practice combined with a thorough and proficient knowledge of BTS).


4. All Medical Officers are subject to the same rules and regulations as all other members of the Brigade, as set out in StJCI: Part 2.

5. Medical Officers are directly responsible to the Commissioner/Superintendent at their appointed level. Medical Officers are also responsible to their next senior MO, and are therefore entitled to communicate directly with this officer on professional and first aid matters.

6. The suggested functions of Medical Officers encompass the following:

a. to advise and make recommendations to the Commissioner/Superintendent on all matters of a medical nature, in accordance with national guidelines;

b. to provide medical guidance and direction to Brigade officers and members through individual discussion, group talks and written materials;

c. to have a detailed knowledge of the Brigade Training System, oxygen therapy and the StJCI: Part 2 - Volunteers, and to be accurate in their functioning with respect to each other;

d. in cooperation with Brigade Training and Nursing Officers, to ensure the application of national standards by Brigade members in the training, assessment and delivery of patient care services (first aid, CPR and health care) to the community; and to assist in the development and maintenance of a cadre of BTS Instructors and BAP Evaluators;

e. in cooperation with Divisional Superintendents, to provide advice on the fitness of any Brigade member to perform duties, and to record the limitations of any member unable to perform all aspects of any duty;

f. to regularly visit Brigade members on public duty to monitor the quality of patient care and to provide professional advice to them;

g. to conduct periodic review of patient treatment records;

h. to act as a judge/professional resource person for Brigade patient care competitions (BTS-qualified MOs);

i. to inspect and advise on medical equipment and supplies in first aid posts and in mobile units;

j. to provide direction and assistance on the application of the Critical Incident Stress (CIS) program after suitable training;

k. to assist in emergency and disaster response planning, practices and operations;

l. to instruct or supervise the instruction of the Oxygen Administration program and member evaluation;

m. to attend such meetings or special events as may be required, and as part of a management team;

n. to recommend new physicians for Brigade membership where required and to help in their orientation as Brigade MOs;

o. to represent the Brigade on the Council Medical or Professional Advisory Committee, as applicable; and

p. to promote and enhance the image of St. John Ambulance as a charitable organization dedicated to its mission.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000