1. The role of Youth (Cadet) Officers is to provide a full, interesting environment
for personal development for the youth members of St. John Ambulance within their
jurisdiction, including Juniors, Cadets and Crusaders. The Youth (Cadet) Officer is part
of a management team, and is expected to work in a mutually supportive and beneficial
2. Youth (Cadet) Officers must have the following qualifications:
a. minimum Standard First Aid certification;
b. minimum age 18 years (21 years for Cadet Superintendent);
c. knowledge and skills in youth leadership, acceptable to the Provincial/ Territorial
3. All Youth (Cadet) Officers are subject to the same rules and regulations as all
other members of the Brigade, as set out in StJCI: Part 2.
4. Youth (Cadet) Officers are directly responsible to the Commissioner/ Superintendent
at their appointed level for the development, organization, administration and
implementation of the programs required by them. Youth (Cadet) Officers are responsible to
and entitled to communicate directly with their next senior Youth (Cadet) Officer on
programs that influence their roles and responsibilities.
5. Within the context of the Youth Program, the duties of the Youth (Cadet) Officer
a. designing and ensuring implementation of youth program appropriate to the age group
(Juniors, Cadets, Crusaders);
b. arranging for all aspects of youth camps within their jurisdiction, or for their
members to attend youth camps outside their jurisdiction;
c. arranging for field trips, seminars, workshops and displays, as part of the youth
d. providing opportunities for youth to earn Cadet proficiency subjects;
e. making necessary preparations for competitions in an effort to prepare youth members
for actual scenarios in the field;
f. arranging for all aspects of enrollment and awards ceremonials; and
g. providing an upstanding example to every youth member.
6. The Youth (Cadet) Officer is also responsible, either independently or in
collaboration with others, for the following:
a. ensuring the youth program within their jurisdiction receives positive public
relations; and
b. developing and implementing an effective recruitment program for both youth members
and youth leaders.