1 The ceremonial aspects of Brigade membership offer opportunities for Brigade
members to demonstrate their pride of membership and personal accomplishments to their
communities and their peers.
2. Brigade members attending ceremonial occasions in uniform must ensure that the
manner in which they present themselves, and in which their uniform is worn reflects
positively on their Unit, the Brigade and St. John Ambulance as a whole.
3. The following are examples of appropriate occasions in which Brigade members should
appear in public as individuals, or as Units, in their best uniform and wearing medals:
a. annual reviews or inspections;
b. investitures of the Order;
c. church parades;
d. parades in support of community activities; and
e. funerals of fellow members when St. John recognition is requested by the
4. Each Unit or group of Units must provide, on an annual basis, an opportunity to
recognize Brigade members accomplishments (see StJCI 2-6-1 on Awards). This may be
done through formal methods such as traditional annual reviews or annual inspections, or
through more informal methods such as awards banquets, dinners, parties, picnics, etc.
Members of the Unit or group of Units should be consulted in making this decision.
5. Investitures are ceremonial occasions in which outstanding members of St. John
Ambulance are admitted into or promoted within the Order of St. John (see StJCI: Part 1 -
The Order). The National Investiture is held annually, normally in October, and the
Governor General, as Prior of the Priory of Canada, presides. Provincial Investitures are
normally held annually, and the Lieutenant Governor, as Vice-Prior, presides.
6. Brigade members attending an investiture as an investee, a participant in the
ceremony or a member of the audience are encouraged to wear their best uniform.
7. On occasion, Brigade Units may be requested to move as a Unit either
independently or as part of a community-sponsored activity. Members of these Units are
encouraged to learn simple commands that will permit them to form a unit, turn in unison,
march in step and disengage from a parade.
8. The funeral of a member of the Brigade or a member of the Order may be
designated as a ceremonial occasion if the next-of-kin requests St. John Ambulance
recognition. Members who participate as officials in the funeral party or as members of
the congregation should wear their best uniform.
9. The Brigade Colour bears the badge of the Order (a white cross with gold lions
and unicorns on a black field; there is a fringe of black and white alternating). It is
carried on an eight-foot black pole surmounted by the Badge of the Order in silver. The
pole has black and white cords with tassels.
10. The Colour may only be carried on ceremonial occasions with the prior approval of
the Provincial/Territorial or Area Commissioner concerned.
11. The Colour must be consecrated and accorded full honours and respect at all times.
12. The Brigade Flag bears the Badge of the Order (a white cross with lions and
unicorns in gold, on a black field).
13. The Cadet Flag bears the Badge of the Order (a white cross with gold lions and
unicorns, on a black field; there is a plain gold fringe). It is carried on a black pole
surmounted by an emblem consisting of the Maltese Cross, and in the centre a circle with
the words "St. John Cadets". The pole has white cords, and tassels.
14. The Flag may be flown at a St. John Ambulance Brigade establishment, first aid
stations, and at Brigade annual reviews, inspections and camps. It may be carried on
processions and other public occasions, and at church parades when it will be taken to the
Sanctuary with the flags of other organizations.
15. Complete directions for carrying out ceremonial aspects of any occasion are
provided in the St. John Ambulance Brigade Manual of Drill and Ceremonial (1983).