1. The St. John Ambulance Brigade has a structure that is based on the modern
functions performed by its members at various levels. Some remnants of the formerly
military structure have been retained where they have been found to be useful, and because
they reflect the paramilitary origin and traditions of the Brigade.
2. A Brigade unit refers to a group of Brigade members at any level,
and within any of the membership categories (see StJCI 2-3-1 for membership categories).
The different unit classifications are division, corps, area, provincial/territorial and
3. A Division is the basic unit of the Brigade and is responsible for
community service. A division may be comprised of patient care providers, community care
providers, youth (Juniors, Cadets or Crusaders), auxiliary members or any combination of
membership categories.
4. While there is no specific minimum number of members required for the formation of a
Division, Divisions must consist of sufficient numbers to be able to effectively provide
community service, and provide or access appropriate member training, administrative
support and financial resources. The formation of a Division must be supported by the
local Branch (if one exists) and approved by the National Commissioner. This authority may
be delegated to the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner.
5. Divisions having relatively small numbers must, as a minimum, have officers or
members designated to perform the following functions: Superintendent, Training Officer,
Community Service Coordinator. The Divisional Superintendent of a small Division may carry
out the duties of the Administrative Officer.
6. A Corps is a group of Divisions formed within a geographic area, under
the direction of a Corps Superintendent, for the purpose of administrative and operational
efficiency. The formation of a Corps is dependent on function and need, and must be
authorized by the National Commissioner. This authority may be delegated to the
Provincial/Territorial Commissioner.
7. An Area is a geographic subdivision of a province, administered by an
Area Commissioner, to assist Corps and Divisions under their jurisdiction both
administratively and operationally. The formation of an Area is dependent on function and
need, and must be authorized by the National Commissioner. This authority may be delegated
to the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner.
8. A Provincial/Territorial Headquarters, under the direction of the
Provincial/ Territorial Commissioner, administers all Brigade units within their
Provincial/ Territorial Council. The Brigade is part of one of the two Foundations for
which Councils are responsible (see StJCI 2-2-1, paragraph 1), and operates under the
general supervision and control of the Councils. Provincial/Territorial Commissioners,
therefore, are responsible to the President of their Provincial/Territorial Council, as
well as to the National Commissioner, for the efficient operation of the Brigade within
their jurisdiction.
9. Similarly, where Branches exist, Brigade units operate under the
general supervision of Branch Chairpersons, who are responsible to the Councils for the
conduct of the affairs of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade within their
geographic area of responsibility. Where a Brigade headquarters overlaps more than one
Branch area of responsibility, the Council should delegate responsibility for its
operations to one specific Branch with due regard to the interest of all concerned.
10. Where Branches exist, Branch Chairpersons must recognize that the Brigade has its
own hierarchy and infrastructure for operational purposes. While the Branch is responsible
for providing the support and resources to enable the Brigade to deliver community
service, the Brigade is responsible to the Branch for provision of appropriate information
to enable the Branch to provide such support.
11. National Headquarters is responsible to the Priory for the efficient operation of
the Brigade nationally, under the direction of the National Commissioner. (See StJCI 2-2-1
on national governance, the role of National Brigade Officers, and the relationship within
functional areas.)
12. Appointments within the Brigade hierarchy are determined according to level,
followed by function. Suggested designation of appointments are outlined in Annex A.
13. Designation of ranks as used traditionally within the Brigade, remains an
entitlement for all officers. At the discretion of the Provincial/Territorial
Commissioner, other means of identifying the officer(s) in charge of a group of members
performing community service, may be added or substituted, provided that consistency is
maintained on a Provincial/Territorial or Area basis. On all other occasions, Brigade
officers are entitled to wear their insignia or rank. See StJCI 2-12-2 for acceptable
means of designating officer(s) in charge.