1. Brigade Officers hold a unique position of trust within the organization. In
this position, they are charged with exercising, in a responsible manner, both
administrative and operational authority over the Brigade Unit and members they have been
appointed to manage. It is the primary responsibility of all Officers to ensure that their
Brigade Unit and members meet the requirements of the organization as set out in the St.
John Canada Instructions and function in support of the objectives of the St. John
Ambulance Brigade.
2. The continued growth, stability, and success of the Brigade requires that those
appointed to Officer positions are of high character and possess superior (volunteer)
management skills and leadership qualities.
3. It is understood that certain Officer positions, such as Medical and Nursing
Officer, hold their own set of special professional qualifications. Similarly, those
Officers appointed to manage Brigade Cadet Units require the knowledge and skills
necessary to meet the objectives of the youth program (see StJCI 2-3-4). To identify the
individual and unique skills and qualifications for each functional Officer position, see
appropriate sections of StJCI 2-11.
4. All Brigade Officers must meet the requirements of basic membership (see StJCI
2-3-1) prior to appointment. These requirements will vary depending on the membership type
of the Brigade Unit they are managing.
5. Length of Brigade service alone is not to be utilized as a deciding factor in the
recommendation process for Brigade Officers. However, it may be appropriate, as a
prerequisite qualification for certain Officer positions, that the candidate have
experience in varied positions and/or at varied levels within the organization.
6. The following Senior Officers of the Brigade in Canada are Honorary Officers of
Priory, and therefore members of Priory Chapter:
a. National Commissioner
b. Deputy National Commissioner(s)
c. National Medical Officer
d. National Nursing Officer
e. National Cadet Officer
f. National Training Officer
g. National Planning Officer
h. National Administrative Officer
7. The appointment of all Senior Officers is made triennially on St. John Day (24
June) by Priory Council, to be approved by Priory Chapter.
8. The following nomination process is used to facilitate the appointment of all Senior
a. Six months prior to the time at which a Senior Officer candidate is required, the
National Commissioner will notify members of the National Brigade Committee
(Provincial/Territorial Commissioners and Senior Officers). The appropriate position
description will be circulated, and names and curricula vitae of individuals who meet the
prerequisites of the appointment will be requested.
b. The National Commissioner will provide nominees curricula vitae to the Senior
Officers and three previously selected Provincial/Territorial Commissioners, seeking
advice on the selection of candidates to be nominated by the National Commissioner, as a
member of the Priory Nominating Committee.
c. A National Commissioner Designate may be appointed one year prior to the expiry of
the term of the incumbent National Commissioner, with the express intention to succeed as
the National Commissioner.
d. Deputies to all other Senior Officers will be appointed only as the line
responsibility Senior Officer requires assistance, and only with the approval of the
National Commissioner. Any such Deputy Senior Officer may or may not be nominated as a
Senior Officer. Deputy Senior Officers are not Honorary Officers of Priory, and are
therefore not members of Priory Chapter. They are otherwise accorded all rights and
privileges of a Senior Officer for the duration of their appointment.
9. The Grand Prior will be advised in writing through the Commissioner-in-Chief for any
change in the appointment of National Commissioner.
10. All appointments expire on the eve of 24 June of the year in which their triennial
appointment terminates. Appointments may be renewed for any period of from one to three
years, not to exceed two three-year appointments.
11. When a vacancy occurs in a Senior Officer position before the normal expiry date,
the National Commissioner may appoint another Officer to the vacant position in an acting
capacity. Approval of Priory Council/Chapter will be sought as soon as practicable, thus
confirming the appointment.
12. The National Commissioner may, at any time, appoint one or more National Staff
Officers, whose function will be to carry out specific assigned duties (e.g. National
Competitions Chairperson). National Staff Officer positions are not subject to the
approval of Priory Council/Chapter. National Staff Officers are not Honorary Officers of
Priory and are therefore not members of Priory Chapter. They are otherwise accorded all
rights and privileges of a Senior Officer for the duration of their appointment.
13. To ensure an orderly transition of officers to the appointment of Senior Officer,
the National Commissioner may appoint deputies to any or all of the functional
appointments at his discretion. Appointed Deputies will perform duties prescribed by the
Senior Officer to whom they have a line responsibility. (See paragraph 8.d.)
14. The group of Senior Officers, National Staff Officers and Deputies to Senior
Officers are referred to collectively as National Brigade Officers.
15. Provincial/Territorial Commissioner appointments will be made by their
Provincial/Territorial Council, and approved by the National Commissioner on the
endorsement of the candidates Council President.
16. Provincial/Territorial Commissioner appointments will be for a term of three to
five years; to be mutually decided upon and placed in writing prior to the appointment.
This will ensure sufficient turnover to draw on new leadership and vision, and enable
other deserving candidates to seek upward mobility.
17. Provincial/Territorial Commissioner appointments may be renewed for any period of
from one to three years, not to exceed a total of six years.
(Other than National Brigade Officers and Provincial/Territorial Commissioners)
18. All Officer appointments are subject to approval by the National Commissioner,
who may delegate some or all of this authority to one or more Provincial/Territorial
Commissioners. This delegation of authority will be automatic unless otherwise stated.
19. Any recommendation for appointment to a functional Officer position (see StJCI
2-11) must be accompanied by the endorsement of the Provincial Territorial Brigade Officer
responsible for that portfolio (i.e. Training, Medical, Nursing, Cadet, etc.).
20. Upon an individuals first appointment as an Officer in a leadership position,
they must undergo the screening process (see StJCI 2-9-2), regardless of their previous
Brigade membership.
21. Members will be appointed in a probationary capacity for the first year of their
initial Officer appointment. Officers holding probationary status wear the uniform and the
appointment designation, carry out the required duties, and have the same privileges and
precedence as if their appointment was confirmed. During this one-year period, the
probationary Officer will be assessed by their next senior Officer(s) as to their
suitability for the recommended appointment. Such assessments will be formally conducted
and documented a minimum of twice during the probationary year. Probationary Officers who
are not successful at meeting the required standards will be provided with remedial
learning opportunities prior to their final assessment.
22. At the end of the probationary year, Officer appointments will either be confirmed
by the National Commissioner or relinquished. Confirmed appointments will be documented
showing the date of appointment as the first day of the probationary appointment.
23. Dual Officer appointments are not permitted. Upon being promoted or transferred,
Officers automatically vacate the appointment previously held.
24. Except for Senior Officers and Provincial/Territorial Commissioners, there is
no specific chronological term for Officer appointments. Such a provision may, however, be
mutually agreed upon prior to the appointment of an Officer if the appointment is to meet
the requirement(s) of time specific projects, or if the Officer being appointed requests
25. Officers must request their appointment be relinquished if:
a. they can no longer fulfill the obligations required by their appointment; or
b. they can no longer fulfill the obligations of basic Brigade membership.
26. Requests for relinquishment of appointment must be made in writing outlining the
reason(s) and forwarded to their Provincial/Territorial Commissioner through normal
communication channels. All such requests must be dealt with as priority items, and must
not be unduly delayed.
27. Officers who have requested permission to relinquish their appointment are expected
to remain in that appointment until such a request is approved. It is the responsibility
of every Officer to provide assistance in finding a suitable candidate to replace them.
28. Every Brigade Officer, including Senior Officers and Provincial/Territorial
Commissioners, will undergo, as a minimum, an annual Performance Appraisal. This process
will utilize an approved Performance Appraisal instrument and will provide opportunity for
individual remedial action designed to permit the Officer to improve their performance.
The Performance Appraisal will be conducted and documented by the Officers next
senior Officer, and will be treated with confidentiality.
29. If it is determined through this process that the Officer (excluding Senior
Officers and Provincial Commissioners) is no longer able to meet the obligations of their
appointment and that the required improvement in performance is not reasonably attainable,
then a recommendation will be made that the Officers appointment be relinquished,
regardless of any specific term of appointment agreed upon or assigned. The decision of
the National Commissioner with regard to such a recommendation is final and binding. The
National Commissioner may delegate this authority to the Provincial/Territorial
Commissioner operationally (see StJCI 2-9-3, paragraph 13).
30. The recommendation, based on the Performance Appraisal process, that a Senior
Officer relinquish their appointment will be made by the National Commissioner to Priory
Chapter and include the endorsement of Priory Council. Failing the endorsement of Priory
Council, the National Commissioner may make application to Priory Chapter to hear the
recommendation for the removal of a Senior Officer. The decision of Priory Chapter will be
final and binding.
31. The recommendation, based on the Performance Appraisal process, that a
Provincial/Territorial Commissioner relinquish their appointment may be made by either the
President or the National Commissioner to the appropriate Provincial/Territorial Council.
If the President does not endorse the recommendation for the removal of their
Provincial/Territorial Commissioner, the National Commissioner may act alone. It is,
however, recommended that the President and National Commissioner reach a consensus.
32. For Senior Officers and Provincial/Territorial Commissioners, the recommendation
for relinquishing appointment is not affected by the specific term of the appointment.