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1. It is of great importance that members who are appointed as Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) are of good character, knowledgeable of Brigade practices and procedures, and possess leadership ability.

2. The Brigade recognizes the following NCO positions:

a. Sergeant-Major

b. Staff Sergeant

c. Sergeant

d. Corporal

3. The position of Cadet Leader ranks above that of Cadet (Youth) NCO but is not an Officer appointment.


4. All Brigade NCOs must meet the requirements of basic membership (see StJCI 2-3-1) prior to appointment. These requirements will vary depending on the membership type of the Brigade Unit to which they are attached.

5. Length of Brigade service alone is not to be utilized as a deciding factor in the recommendation process for NCOs.

6. Youth members must be at least 16 years old before being appointed to the position of Cadet Leader. The Cadet Leader is responsible to their Divisional Superintendent and/or other adult Youth Leader (see StJCI 2-3-4, paragraphs 20 and 21).

7. Sergeants may be appointed to the position of Staff Sergeant provided they have demonstrated diligent performance of their duties, as a Sergeant, during the preceding five years.


8. All NCO appointments are subject to approval by the National Commissioner, who may delegate some or all of this authority to one or more Provincial/Territorial Commissioners. This delegation of authority will be automatic unless otherwise stated.

9. Upon a member’s first appointment as a NCO, they must undergo the screening process (see StJCI 2-9-2).


10. There is no specific compliment for the joint appointment of youth NCOs and adult NCOs within the same Brigade Unit. Appointments must be based upon membership and organizational needs within each of the age categories.

11. NCOs will be appointed in a probationary capacity for the first year of their initial NCO appointment. NCOs holding probationary status wear the uniform and the appointment designation, carry out the required duties, and have the same privileges and precedence as if their appointment was confirmed. During this one-year period, the probationary NCO will be assessed by their Officer(s) as to their suitability for the recommended appointment. Such assessments will be formally conducted and documented a minimum of twice during the probationary year. Probationary NCOs who are not successful at meeting the required standards will be provided with remedial learning opportunities prior to their final assessment.

12. At the end of the probationary year, NCO appointments will either be confirmed by the National Commissioner or relinquished. Confirmed appointments will be documented showing the date of appointment as the first day of the probationary appointment.

13. Dual NCO appointments are not permitted. Upon being promoted or transferred NCOs automatically vacate the appointment previously held.


14. Superintendents with one or more NCOs attached to their Unit are responsible for informing the NCO of their duties. The NCO is responsible for seeking direction from their Superintendent.


15. There is no specific chronological term for NCO appointments. Such a provision may, however, be mutually agreed upon prior to the appointment of a NCO if the appointment is to meet the requirement(s) of time-specific projects, or if the NCO being appointed requests it.

16. Cadet (Youth) NCOs, on becoming Crusaders (age 16), but who remain with their original Brigade Unit, retain their NCO appointment. Such appointments are, however, relinquished when the youth member:

a. reaches their 21st birthday, or

b. transfers to another Brigade Unit.


17. NCOs must request their appointment be relinquished if:

a. they can no longer fulfill the obligations required by their appointment, or

b. they can no longer fulfill the obligations of basic Brigade membership.

18. Requests for relinquishment of appointment must be made in writing outlining the reason(s) and forwarded to the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner through normal communication channels. All such requests must be dealt with as priority items and must not be unduly delayed.

19. NCOs who have requested permission to relinquish their appointment are expected to remain in that appointment until such a request is approved.


20. Every NCO will undergo, as a minimum, an annual performance appraisal. This process will utilize an approved performance appraisal instrument and will provide opportunity for individual remedial action designed to permit the NCO to improve their performance. The performance appraisal will be conducted and documented by the Officer-in-Charge of the NCO’s Brigade Unit and will be treated with confidentiality.

21. If it is determined through this process that the NCO is no longer able to meet the obligations of their appointment and that the required improvement in performance is not reasonably attainable, then a recommendation will be made that the NCO’s appointment be relinquished; regardless of any specific term of appointment agreed upon or assigned. The decision of the National Commissioner with regard to such a recommendation is final and binding. The National Commissioner may delegate some or all of this authority to the Provincial/ Territorial Commissioner operationally (see StJCI 2-9-3, paragraph 13).

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000