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National Camp Accreditation

Certificate Program



1. Cadets enjoy camping and throughout this country many St. John Ambulance Cadet Camps take place. To ensure proper training standards for our youth leaders, the National Camp Accreditation Course is designed to train competent leaders who will operate a successful, safe camp for their members.

general instructions

2. Age requirements: Youth leaders or adult members 18 years of age or over, may run a cadet camp where cadets or crusaders are attending.

3. Standards: As of 1 January, 1999, all youth leaders wishing to conduct a cadet camp will require national accreditation. Provinces/territories that have a program now in place may continue to use it. However, it must meet or exceed minimum standards.

4. Testing: Testing to the standard of this course will be the responsibility of the provincial/territorial Cadet Officer or their designate.

5. Time requirements: The time requirement for accreditation is 18 hours, as outlined in paragraph 8 of this document.

6. Certificate: Upon successful completion provinces/territories may apply for the National Camping Accreditation Certificate. See Annex D for a sample certificate.

7. References

i. St. John Ambulance Camping Manual

ii. Boy Scout Camping Manual

iii. Girl Guide Camping Manual

iv. Armed Forces Cadet Camping Manual

Time and Expectations Outline

8. The following indicates the topics and time expectations for the Camp Accreditation Course. Course details can be found in paragraph 9. See Annex A for a detailed sample time outline for the course.

a) Introduction

Describe the purpose and functions of a Cadet Division and how camping can become an integral part of any Divisional program.


b) Administration - 2?hours

Discuss the Provincial Commissioner's directives that apply to camping. Instruct the participants on the correct procedures for generating forms, and the required paperwork for camping. Discuss available resource information.

c) Program Planning - 6 hours

Instruct the participants on how to set up a camp program. Give sample program outlines. Do exercises on designing and running specific program items.

d) Kitchen, Food and Menu Planning - 2 hours

Instruct the participants on the different considerations for preparing a camp menu. Supply resource information on acquiring food for camp. Demonstrate the different forms of kitchen layouts. Supply information on sanitary concerns, hygiene, and washing procedures.

e) Equipment Planning - 6 hours

Show the participants different forms of camp sites and facilities. Teach the practical skills on a variety of types of equipment. Discuss and demonstrate various pieces of other training and recreational equipment.

f) Emergency and Medical Procedures - 1 hour

Discuss and instruct participants on proper medical procedures and other emergency procedures and considerations for camps. Discuss personnel considerations, vehicles and equipment.

g) Transportation - ?hour

Discuss different forms of transportation to get to and from camp, as well as forms of transportation while at camp. Special consideration (watercraft).

general outline

9. The following indicates the general outline and course details for the Camp Accreditation Course. Time expectations are given in paragraph 8.

a) Introduction

?/font> Course overview and introductions

?/font> Purposes and functions of a Cadet Camp

?/font> Provincial Commissioner’s directives

b) Administration

?/font> St. John Ambulance regulations for camping within Canada

?/font> Resources

- facilities

- people

- camping manual

?/font> Choosing and booking a campsite

- time requirements

- program considerations

- associated costs

?/font> Paperwork (see Annexes B and C)

- provincial application to hold a camp

- participant permission forms

- participant medical information forms

- sample kit lists

- sample covering letters

- general rules for campers

?/font> Budgeting for a camp

- capital equipment planning and budgets

- cost recovery and capital equipment increases

- donations, fund raising, other sources of revenue

?/font> Camping Committees

- forming a Camp Committee

- positions and responsibilities

- time lines and communications

?/font> Camp Staff

- briefing and debriefing

- communications and problem solving

- decision making process

c) Program Planning

?/font> How to design a program

- training

- flexibility

- proficiencies

- free time

- camp fires

- water program; special considerations

- other activities

- age of camper considerations

?/font> Alternate programs for different weather conditions

?/font> Resources

- printed materials: Scouts, Guides, Outward Bound, etc.

- personnel: St. John and non-St. John staff

- equipment: purchase, borrow, rent

?/font> Religious obligations

d) Kitchen, Food and Menu Planning

?/font> Creating a menu

- Canada’s Food Guide

- special dietary requirements/allergies

- quantity and variety

?/font> Program and weather considerations affecting menu, group outings

?/font> Purchasing and storage of food

- guide to food storage

- animals and your camp site

?/font> Setting up the kitchen area

- physical set-up

- access

- clean-up patrols and scheduling

?/font> Food preparation; patrol cooking versus group cooking

- staff rotation

- full time staff

?/font> Sanitation

- garbage disposal

- grease and solid food disposal

- water purification, testing procedures

?/font> Dishes

- washing, drying and storage

- posting rosters, ensuring proper clean-up

e) Equipment Planning

?/font> Accommodation

- permanent, temporary or mobile

- type, size, quantity, suitability and location

- gender and number of occupants

- pitching and striking a tent

?/font> Cooking

- types of stoves, fuels and fires for cooking

- filling, lighting, extinguishing and maintenance

?/font> Lighting

- lanterns, types, fuels, storage

- filling, lighting, extinguishing and maintenance


?/font> Personal hygiene

- washrooms (temporary or fixed)

- washing facilities and frequency, natural soaps

?/font> Training equipment

- planning, purchase, borrow, rent, different types

?/font> Recreational equipment

- types

?/font> Equipment resources

- rent, purchase, borrow

- tents, stoves, lanterns, clothes lines, crafts

- wood collection and storage; wet weather

- dining flies, overhead tarps, canopies

- swimming equipment, area and rules

f) Emergency and Medical procedures

?/font> Fire drills

- water bucket and fire extinguisher types

- location of extinguishers, charging, discharging

- evacuation procedures and routes

?/font> Finding the nearest hospital, phone number and best route

?/font> Nearest ambulance station, phone number and response time

?/font> Medical staff

- positions and roles

- locations of medical kits and contents

- medication dispensing and charting

?/font> Camp emergency procedures

- missing child, resources, time, other campers

- criminal offenses, calling the authorities

- broken camp rules, discretion and reporting

?/font> short term versus long term camp consideration

?/font> number of campers; program and logistics considerations

?/font> getting special medical training to meet the needs of special campers

g) Transportation

?/font> Types and routes

?/font> Booking and paperwork

?/font> Procedures and other considerations; emergency contact person with list

?/font> Modes of transportation while at camp; canoes, row boats, motor boats, etc.

?/font> Rent, borrow, acquire services


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Copyright ?1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000