1. In order to maintain the uniform standards of training throughout the Brigade in
Canada, we must carefully select, train and develop the Instructors who will be imparting
their knowledge and skills to the Brigade member. In their relationship with the Brigade
members under their instruction, Instructors influence the development of the Brigade
members skills and knowledge and how well prepared they will be to provide service
to their community.
2. Instruction of various aspects of the Brigade Training System will be carried out by
qualified individuals, as identified in paragraph 4, who have been oriented to the method
of instruction and the minimum level of skills and knowledge that must be demonstrated by
the Brigade member upon completion of the BTS.
3. Responsibility for the organization of training for Brigade members rests with the
Unit Training Officer who will be actively involved in the selection, training and
monitoring of the Instructors chosen.
4. Instructors may include the following:
a. Qualified First Aid and CPR Instructor, NITDP trained (National Instructor Training
and Development Program - See StJCI 4-3);
b. Registered Nurses;
c. Lay Instructors in Family Health Care;
d. Physicians;
e. Ambulance Officers, Emergency Care Specialists;
f. Respiratory Technicians; and
g. Other suitably trained and authorized health care providers.
5. It is recommended that successful completion of a BTS orientation program including
particular teaching techniques and administrative procedures related to the subject being
presented be a prerequisite to instructing within the BTS.
6. The Provincial/Territorial Training Officer may delegate, but retains accountability
for the following:
a. selection of instructors;
b. assessment;
c. monitoring of quality assurance.
7. Potential Instructors should possess the following attributes:
a. the mental and physical ability to teach the requirements of the theoretical and
practical skills of the BTS;
b. motivation and dedication to carry out the requirements for subject completion and
to ensure that the Brigade member receives any ongoing remedial learning in order to
successfully complete the subject;
c. maturity and integrity to ensure that the Brigade members best interest is
uppermost in their mind;
d. ability to captivate and motivate the Brigade members to develop skills to the best
of their ability;
e. full understanding and commitment to provide adequate instruction and remedial
learning sessions as required.
8. The quality of instruction will be continually monitored and assessed to determine
individual strengths and weaknesses.