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1. Evaluators are charged with the responsibility of assessing individual Brigade member’s skills, knowledge and attributes to provide independent patient care services to the community. Evaluators should monitor their own assessments to maintain the dignity of the individual Brigade member, and to keep all assessments confidential within stated parameters.

2. Evaluations for the Brigade Assessment Process will be carried out by suitably qualified individuals, as identified in paragraph 3, who have been oriented to the methods of instruction and are aware of the minimum level of skills and knowledge that each member must demonstrate in accordance with the BTS Reference Text.

3. Evaluators may include the following:

a. Qualified First Aid and CPR Instructors, NITDP trained (National Instructor Training Development Program - see StJCI 4-3);

b. Registered Nurses;

c. Lay Instructors in Family Health Care;

d. Physicians;

e. Ambulance Officers, Emergency Care Specialists;

f. Respiratory Technicians; and

g. Other suitably trained and authorized health care providers;

Note: Qualified NITDP First Aid and CPR Instructors are preferred.

4. Potential Evaluators should possess the following attributes:

a. be well regarded by their peers, well trained and motivated, and able to provide leadership;

b. the mental and physical ability to demonstrate the requirements of the theoretical and practical skills of the BTS;

c. motivation and dedication to carry out the critical requirements of the BAP to ensure that the Brigade member is given constructive feedback to their demonstrated skills and receives any ongoing remedial learning in order to accomplish the completion of the BAP if unsuccessful;

d. maturity and integrity to ensure that the Brigade member’s best interest is the uppermost in their mind;

e. ability to help alleviate any fear and apprehension the Brigade member may feel and to reinforce their partnership in the development of the Brigade member’s skills to the best of their ability;

f. full understanding and commitment to give the hours necessary to provide adequate assessment and recommendations for remedial learning sessions as required;

g. empathy to the needs of the individual Brigade member who also derives their livelihood from serving their community with first aid or patient care services.

5. The delegation of instruction, assessment and monitoring of quality assurance is the responsibility of the Provincial/Territorial Training Officer.

6. Potential Evaluators should:

a. have a full understanding of the Brigade Training System and the BAP as the final step in completion of the training cycle;

b. currently meet or exceed the requirements of the BTS Level being evaluated;

c. attend an annual orientation program that reviews the expectations of the Brigade member and covers the appropriate level BAP materials for the current year;

d. attend Instructor workshops to monitor the ongoing process of the BTS and Brigade members’ developing abilities;

e. review any Instructor evaluations that may indicate individual strengths and weaknesses of the Evaluators.

evaluators’ responsibilities

7. Evaluators for the Brigade Assessment Process are the key to the successful assessment of Brigade members’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the Brigade Training System. These skills are required to care for the communities in which they serve. Evaluators have the following set of responsibilities:

a. Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and skill levels of members;

b. Completion of all necessary forms and records from the BAP for submission to the appropriate administrative officer;

c. Make recommendations for all necessary follow-up training requirements before any re-evaluation of unsuccessful Brigade members;

d. Make recommendations for any deficiencies noted within the training program administered by the unit;

e. Improve and maintain the quality of teaching of the Brigade Training System;

f. Ensure that all programs being delivered by the BTS are of the highest quality in all respects;

g. Facilitate consistency and improvements within the BTS.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000