1. BTS certificates will be issued by Council Headquarters to those Brigade
members who have successfully affirmed their competence through the BAP at Level 1, 2 or
3. Upon successful completion, a wall certificate and pocket card will be issued. Both of
these documents will indicate the date of certification and appropriate level.
2. The renewal requirements are:
a. attendance in an approved BTS training program or course of instruction;
b. demonstration of the required skills and knowledge for the appropriate BTS level;
c. successful completion of the Brigade Assessment Process (BAP) consisting of a
comprehensive theoretical assessment and practical total patient care concept skills
The practical skills assessment is based upon patient care situations derived from one
central scenario. The Brigade member must demonstrate competency in the management of the
The theoretical assessment is based on 100 multiple choice questions that cover all
aspects of theoretical knowledge. The Brigade member must achieve a mark of 70%.
3. The Brigade Training System has been designed to ensure the competence and
confidence of the vast majority of patient care providers who will provide independent
patient care services to the community and will attend an approved BTS training program or
course of instruction.
4. For patient care providers who are not members of an adult division who need or wish
to maintain BTS Level 1 qualifications, there are some ways in which certification might
be accomplished, depending upon the local resources available:
a. attend training sessions being offered at a local division;
b. attend specially planned training sessions provided by a Corps, Area or Branch;
c. take part in the BAP with a local unit; or
d. complete comparable training through other means and "challenge" the BAP
Level 1.
5. Challenging the Brigade Assessment Proccess is an exception to the rule, and most
members will qualify through active participation in the Brigade Training System. A member
wishing to challenge the BAP must approach a Training Officer. If the
Training Officer determines that the members qualifications are equivalent or
superior to the BTS Level 1, arrangements will be made for a Comprehensive Challenge
Assessment (CCA).
6. The CCA consists of a battery of comprehensive theoretical assessment and a minimum
of three practical patient care assessments encompassing all of the major skills of the
BTS Level 1. The estimated time to complete a CCA is three to four hours. A member may
attempt a CCA only once in a calendar year.
7. The only level of the BTS that can be challenged is Level 1. In order to achieve
accreditation at BTS Levels 2 and 3, a member must actively participate and complete the
training with a Brigade unit.
8. Colour-coded pins may be worn in a visible location by members to indicate their
competency level within the BTS. If a members level of competency changes, either up
or down, this pin is to be replaced with the appropriate level pin. The pins for each
level are colour-coded as follows:
BTS Level 1 Red
BTS Level 2 Green
BTS Level 3 Gold
9. Certification for Brigade Specialized Training Modules (BSTM) will be issued on an
individual subject basis. Such certificates will be valid for a period as outlined in the
individual subject certification requirements.