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1. Standards and protocols for training have been established to meet the goal of maintaining and improving the quality of patient care community service. An integral activity in meeting this goal is implementation of the BTS through ongoing training, continuing evaluation of BTS through the BAP, and regular monitoring of the process and its implementation.

2. The quality of the BTS and its associated standards and protocols is maintained by carrying out the following:

a. all parties responsible for the delivery of the BTS must act with high integrity through the disciplined and efficient use of the BTS Standards and Reference Guide to ensure all subject content and criteria are met;

b. feedback is provided on the delivery of subject content and the quality of instruction and assessment, through the use of monitoring mechanisms;

c. Instructors involved with the instruction of the BTS have a full understanding of the knowledge and skills that each Brigade member is expected to demonstrate, and are NITDP trained whenever possible;

d. Evaluators fully understand their role in the assessment of the Brigade member and have been thoroughly oriented to the annual BAP materials prior to being assigned the responsibility of assessing a Brigade unit;

e. all results are monitored by the Provincial/Territorial Training Officer to ensure that all BTS and BAP criteria are being met within the units under their charge; and

f. feedback is provided to the members, indicating their strengths and weaknesses, and allowing opportunities for remedial training.

3. Everyone involved in the process of the BTS, beginning with the Brigade member who progresses through the requirements of the BTS, has a responsibility with respect to quality management. The ultimate goal of quality assurance is the ongoing enhancement of the level of care we provide and the St. John Ambulance image as perceived by our clients. This goal can only be achieved through a combined commitment to quality, and attention to details by all members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.


4. The standards and protocols for training must be conducted without bias and based upon observable facts and results to be effective. They are designed to maintain and improve the BTS and BAP to ensure that Brigade members are able to provide the highest level of patient care to the communities in which they serve.



5. Instructor monitoring is an essential component of the BTS. Every effort must be made to have appropriately qualified Instructors in each area of instruction, using the best available expertise. For a suggested list of Instructors, see StJCI 2-4-3.

6. Instructor supervision is essential to maintain quality and consistency in the deliverance of the Brigade Training System. Councils must have planned programs to monitor and evaluate Instructors and Evaluators. Instructor and Evaluator development can be achieved by using methods such as:

a. course monitoring;

b. refresher training by means of annual workshops; and

c. Brigade member evaluations.

7. Instructors and Evaluators must be kept apprised of the annual Brigade assessment materials and changes in protocols.

8. Workshops for Instructors and Evaluators should be specifically designed to thoroughly cover all current BAP theoretical assessment and practical scenarios prior to assessing any units.

9. Specific criteria must be developed by each Council to review the performance of all Evaluators and set criteria for re-certification based upon the BAP level performed.

10. Evaluators must be competent in the relevant aspects of patient care as taught in the BTS. It may be necessary to have two or more evaluators, depending on individual knowledge and area of expertise.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000