1. Eligibility for service awards is the requirement for a Brigade member to qualify
for a year of credit towards the Service Medal of the Order. Changes in eligibility are
retroactive only to 1 January 1996. Eligibility is determined as follows:
2. Qualification Procedures ?/font> in order to earn
eligible status, members must perform at least sixty hours of Brigade service annually.
Brigade service includes voluntary hours spent on community service of any type,
administration duties on behalf of the Brigade, and training sessions. Brigade service for
Cadets includes voluntary community service of any kind and training sessions, which may
consist of First Aid training, leadership training and work on Cadet Proficiency Subjects.
3. Eligibility for Year of Enrolment ?/font> members must
meet the criteria of active participation as described in paragraph 2 within the calendar
4. Leave of Absence ?/font> Members who are unable to
carry out their Brigade duties for a period of three to twelve months, because of
sickness, travelling, personal business, employment or education, may apply to the
Provincial/Territorial Commissioner for a leave of absence.
5. National Headquarters is financially responsible for badges for all national service
awards, the Cadet Proficiency program, and the Grand Priors Badge program. Service
Bars may be processed by either National or Provincial Headquarters. The Service Medal of
the Order, Bars to the Service Medal and the Grand Priors Badge will be issued by
National Headquarters. The Cadet Proficiency Badge and numbers, the Cadet Service Stripes
and Stars and the Special Service Shield are issued in bulk to Provincial Headquarters by
NHQ Stores.
6. A Service Bar is given to Adult and Crusader members for each completed three
years of eligible service. The award is one bar for three years, two bars for six years,
and three bars for nine years.
Councils may choose to administer the three, six and nine year Service Bars. If they do
so, they must forward a list of all Service Bar recipients to NHQ, indicating the
recipient, the recipients unit number, and the level of the award received. NHQ will
then ship the appropriate number of bars to the Council for distribution.
7. The Service Medal of the Order will be awarded to Brigade members who have
completed twelve years of eligible service. The final recommendation for awards of the
Service Medal of the Order to Brigade members whose twelve years of elibigle service is
comprised solely of Brigade service rests with the National Commissioner.
8. Silver and Gilt Bars to the Service Medal are awarded for each successive
five years of eligible service. The Service Medal, Bars, medal ribbon and crosses are worn
as follows for years of eligible service:
12 years Service Medal, Ribbon
17 years Service Medal and 1 Silver Bar, Ribbon and 1 Silver Cross
22 years Service Medal and 2 Silver Bars, Ribbon and 2 Silver Crosses
27 years Service Medal and 3 Silver Bars, Ribbon and 3 Silver Crosses
32 years Service Medal and 1 Gilt Bar, Ribbon and 1 Gilt Cross
For every 5 years additional service, add 1 Gilt Bar, 1 Gilt Cross
These awards will be presented free of charge by National Headquarters, but if they are
lost there will be a charge for replacement.
9. Service Stripes and Stars are awarded to Cadets for each year of eligible
1 year one black and white Stripe
2 years two black and white Stripes
3 years a Service Star (removal of two previously awarded Stripes)
4 years a Service Star and one Stripe
5 years a Service Star and two Stripes
6 years two Service Stars (removal of two previously awarded Stripes)
7 years two Service Stars and one Stripe
Eligible Cadet service qualifies for service to the Service Medal of the Order upon
transfer to Adult/Crusader status. However, Cadets may not wear the Adult/Crusader awards.
Crusaders may continue to wear the Cadet Service Stripes and Stars up to the time they
receive the one bar Service Award (removal of Cadet awards).
10. Brigade members, as a result of their service performed in support of the Order,
may be recommended for Order or Priory Awards. These awards are described in StJCI 1-4.
11. The Proficiency Program exists as a way to motivate youth in the Brigade, as a
vehicle for developing a broad range of skills, and to encourage Cadets to achieve
proficiency in a number of subjects. It is designed to occupy the interest of Cadets over
a number of years and to help develop individual competence and confidence.
12. Cadets and Crusaders may obtain Proficiency Certificates by qualifying in any of
the subjects listed (see Annex A). No more than four Proficiency Certificates may be
awarded in any calendar year.
13. Provincial/Territorial Headquarters will issue the Proficiency Certificate and
retain the counterfoils. When the individual has successfully completed twelve proficiency
subjects, the counterfoils will be forwarded to National Headquarters to support an
application for the award of the Grand Priors Badge. For detailed information on the
Grand Priors Badge, see StJCI 1-4-3.
14. Upon earning the first Proficiency Certificate, Brigade youth are entitled to wear
the Proficiency Badge. Each additional Certificate earned is indicated by wearing the
appropriate numeral above the Proficiency Badge. Once the individual qualifies for the
Grand Priors Badge, the Proficiency Badge and numerals will no longer be worn.
15. The Link Badge program is to recognize the service and continuity of youth members
from one program to another. There are three link badges: Link One recognizes membership
completed in the Junior program, Link Two in the Cadet program, and Link Three in the
Crusader program.
16. Eligibility: To be eligible for a link badge, a Brigade member must
serve a minimum of at least one year of active service in the corresponding portion of the
youth program. It is not necessary for a member to take part in all portions of the youth
program to qualify (eg. someone joining the Brigade as an adult, who at one time spent a
minimum of a year as a Junior, is eligible to receive the Link One badge). Any currently
active Brigade member is eligible to apply for receipt of a link badge(s).
- Process
: Anyone with a minimum of at least one year active service in any of the
three youth programs (Juniors, Cadets, Crusaders) may apply to their Council using the Application
for Link Badge (see Annex E) or written verification. Application should not be made
unless transition from one youth program to another, or to the Adult program, has taken
place. The Council will issue the appropriate link badge(s) for presentation, which should
be carried out during an awards night, inspection or other appropriate occasion.
18. The Award: The link badge is comprised of three separate small
badges, each with three links (one white, two red) embroidered on it from left to right.
Link One's white link is on the left, Link Two's white link is in the middle, and Link
Three's white link is on the right. The award is worn on the right side of the uniform,
centered immediately above the name tag. Individuals earning this award are entitled to
wear the badge(s) on their uniform for as long as they remain entitled to wear the Brigade
19. The Special Service Shield is awarded by the Provincial/Territorial
Commissioner to Cadets who have completed a minimum of 200 voluntary hours of service to
the community as a Cadet. The badge is red, printed with the number 200. On completion of
each additional 200 hours of voluntary service, a service shield badge will be awarded as
400 hours green, printed with the number 400
600 hours blue, printed with the number 600
800 hours bronze, printed with the number 800
1000 hours silver, printed with the number 1000
1200 hours gold, printed with the number 1200
20. The Special Service Shield is awarded only to Brigade youth from 11 to 15 years of
age. It may not be worn by members of Adult divisions or by Cadet Officers.
21. All forms of service must be arranged or approved by the Cadets own
Divisional Superintendent. Cadets may qualify for service as indicated in paragraph 2.
22. Voluntary Community Service Certificates recognize the accumulation of specific
periods of voluntary Brigade service by adult or crusader members of volunteer services.
23. Upon completion of the first 100 hours of service, a certificate signed by the
Provincial/Territorial Commissioner will be issued by the Provincial/Territorial
Headquarters. A sticker for 100 hours will then be affixed to the certificate. Additional
stickers will be issued by the Provincial/Territorial Headquarters for 250, 500, 750,
1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000 and 4500 hours of service.
24. Upon completion of 5000 hours of service, a certificate signed by the National
Commissioner will be issued by National Headquarters. A sticker for 5000 hours
will then be affixed to the certificate. Additional stickers will be issued by the
Provincial/Territorial Headquarters for 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000 and
9500 hours of service.
25. Upon completion of 10000 hours of service, a certificate signed by the Chancellor
will be issued by National Headquarters. A sticker for 10000 hours will be affixed to the
certificate. Additional stickers will be issued by the Provincial/Territorial Headquarters
in increments of 500, beginning with 10500 hours of service, and up to 14500 hours
26. Special certificates will be issued by National Headquarters in increments of 5000,
beginning with 15000 hours of service. Stickers will not be affixed to these certificates.
27. Priory awards, in the form of an illuminated certificate, may be awarded
annually to the outstanding Adult and Cadet divisions of each council. Divisions comprised
mainly of Crusaders may compete for Samsung Galaxy S3 Cases for Sale either the Adult or Cadet award at the discretion of
the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner.
28. As awards are made on a council basis, Provincial/Territorial Commissioners must
establish their own standards and criteria for judging the winner in each category. If all
divisions in any one category fail to meet the minimum standards, no winner need be
declared in that category.
29. National Headquarters must be informed by 15 March of each year of the division
number, name and location for the winning divisions in each category. Awards will be
issued by Priory to the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner for presentation on an
appropriate occasion.
30. The long service of Brigade units at the Area and Divisional levels is
recognized officially following the completion of each 25-year period of service to the
31. Recognition is in the form of a certificate, sponsored at intervals as follows:
25 years Provincial/Territorial Commissioner
50 years National Commissioner
75 years Chancellor
100 years Prior
32. It is recommended that each 25-year milestone be used as a publicity vehicle to
promote St. John within the community, and to attract, motivate and retain members in the
33. Provincial/Territorial Commissioners are requested to apply to National
Headquarters on behalf of units with sufficient accumulated service, up to six months
prior to the official date. The date from which qualifying service is calculated for units
that have been created from two or more units is the earliest registration date of the
former units. Application can be made using the memorandum at Annex B.
34. The Alice Alberta Ritchie Award is awarded to a Division or for combined effort
by a group of Divisions or Areas (adult and/or youth) for exceptional service, possibly in
the event of a major disaster, emergency, epidemic or for a particularly enterprising and
successful form of public service.
35. Application must be made no later than 30 April of the year following the calendar
year in which the incident occurred. Late entries will not be considered. Application must
be in the form of a written request to the National Commissioner, signed by the
appropriate Provincial/Territorial Commissioner, and accompanied by supporting
36. The selection committee for this award will be comprised of the National
Commissioner, one or more of the National Officers of the Brigade as appointed by the
National Commissioner, and the Director of Volunteer Support.
37. The Alice Alberta Ritchie Award is a silver bowl, which was presented in 1953 by
Mrs. Thomas (Kathleen) Gilmour, MBE, GCStJ, in memory of her mother, Mrs. Harold Ritchie,
DStJ, a former member of the Ontario Council, and District Superintendent (N) for the
Toronto District. The silver bowl will be engraved with the name of the winning unit, and
will be sent, together with a keeper plaque, to the appropriate Council for presentation
at a suitable occasion. The silver bowl must be returned to NHQ c/o the Director of
Volunteer Support, no later than 30 April of the year following presentation.
38. Members of the Brigade who have earned the Service Medal of the Order, and/or
served at a senior level may be recognized for their dedicated service when they give up
Brigade membership.
39. Retirement Letter ?/font> the National Commissioner
will recognize the contribution of every member who has accumulated a minimum of twelve
years eligible service (earned the Service Medal of the Order) during their Brigade career
through a personal letter. The Provincial/Territorial Commissioner should apply on behalf
of the retiree to the National Commissioner, at least two months prior to the retirement
date. Submissions for retirement letters should be made on the form at Annex C, including
pertinent honours and appointments, and any other specific items of interest that may help
the National Commissioner to personalize the letter to the retiring member.
40. Retirement Certificate ?/font> the National
Commissioner will recognize the contribution of any member, on their retirement, who has
served the Brigade in the ranks of CSS and above. The Provincial/Territorial Commissioner
should submit a written request to the National Commissioner on behalf of the retiree,
being sure to include their name, last office within the Brigade, Area or Council, date
and language preference (English/French) of the retiree.
41. Provincial/Territorial Councils are encouraged to develop additional awards for
Council and local levels, in order to promote excellence of service and retention of
laurin suggestion award program
42. The explanation and procedures for the Cyrille and Elaine Laurin Suggestion
Award Program are outlined in Annex D. They were formerly issued as StJCI 4-6.