The Cyrille and Elaine Laurin
SUGGESTION award program
1. This instruction provides the policy and procedures pertaining to the cyrille and
elaine laurin suggestion award program, hereafter referred to as the Laurin Award Program.
2. The Laurin Award Program is designed to develop new and progressive ideas and
stimulate interest in promoting greater efficiency and effectiveness in training, the
marketing of training courses, and the provision of community service.
3. The Program provides for Suggestion Award Certificates and cash awards in an amount
determined by the Awards Committee. Cash awards plus administrative expenses in any one
year will not exceed the income derived from the principal provided by Cyrille and Elaine
4. A suggestion is a practical idea (not necessarily original) involving training,
marketing or community service. A suggestion will result in one or more of the following
a. increased efficiency in training operations;
b. improved standards of training;
c. improved methods of instruction;
d. improved marketing techniques;
e. improved service or operation of community service;
f. monetary savings; or
g. other benefits.
5. Examples of subjects for suggestion may range from new and exciting ideas in
course design, innovative ideas for new forms of community service, improved reference and
instructional material, utilization of new audio-visual or other support aids, imaginative
marketing techniques or savings in time, materials, supplies or equipment.
award criteria
6. The following conditions apply to the Laurin Award Program:
a. Members of St. John Association, Brigade, Special Centres, volunteers or staff, may
be considered for an award for any suggestion that is adopted. Applications for suggestion
awards may be submitted by individuals or by other St. John members on their behalf.
b. Persons whose normal paid duties include making suggestions on specific subjects,
are not eligible for awards for such suggestions. However, paid staff should not refrain
from submitting suggestions if they are in doubt as to their eligibility or if their
suggestions pertain to an idea which is outside their normal project responsibilities.
c. Although most applications will probably pertain to suggestions that have not been
implemented, an application for an award for a suggestion that has been implemented can be
submitted within 90 days of the date of implementation, unless it is established that the
proposal was implemented on a trial basis only and a longer period of time was required to
assess its value.
d. A suggestion may be submitted by one person, or by two or more persons jointly. When
submitted jointly, the suggestion should indicate how any cash award is to be divided (by
percentages). In the absence of such direction any cash award will be evenly divided.
e. Although members of the general public are not eligible for awards, suggestions from
the public received by St. John Ambulance agencies should be forwarded to the Secretary of
the Awards Committee for acknowledgment and appraisal. A member of the general public may
be presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for an adopted suggestion.
f. Once submitted, all suggestions are the property of St. John Ambulance.
7. Awards will be calculated on a basis of the estimated value of the suggestion in
fostering improvement in St. John training, marketing or community service across Canada.
The cash awards may range from $100.00 to a maximum of $5,000 at the discretion of the
Awards Committee.
8. All cash awards will be accompanied by a Suggestion Award Certificate. Awards in
cash may be subject to deductions for income tax, Canada Pension Plan and Quebec Pension
9. The authority to approve awards rests entirely with the Awards Committee.
awards committee
10. The Awards Committee will be established and meet at the call of the
Chairperson at National Headquarters, Ottawa. The Awards Committee will consist of:
Chairperson - a designated Vice Chancellor;
Permanent Member - Priory Secretary;
Members-at-large - three members chosen by the Chairperson;
Secretary - the National Director of Volunteer Support
and such non-voting advisors as may be required.
11. Four members present at a meeting of the Awards Committee constitutes a quorum.
12. Suggestions are to be mailed to the Secretary (Director of Volunteer Support,
National Headquarters) not later than 30th June annually.
13. Suggestion submissions must be in accordance with the application form at Appendix
A which is available through Councils and Special Centres. The submission must include:
a. a brief descriptive title;
b. a clear and concise statement of the suggestion or idea and the results of any
trials or tests which may have been carried out in developing the idea;
c. appropriate sketches or drawings; and
d. any additional material which helps to explain the suggestion.
Note: The name(s), address, and St. John organization of the originator is to be
enclosed in a separate, sealed envelope and included with the submission. No reference to
the suggester's name or organization is to appear on the submission.
14. The Administrator of the Laurin Award Program is the Priory Secretary and in all
matters pertaining to these terms of reference and the allocation of total funds for
awards, his decision is final.
5. This Laurin Award Program Instruction is issued under Part 2 - Volunteers for
administrative purposes, but applies to the fields of Training, Marketing and Promotion
and Brigade services equally and may be amended as required by the Priory Secretary with
the approval of the Awards Committee.
presentation of awards
16. The presentation of an award should be made with suitable ceremony as arranged
between the Secretary of the Awards Committee and the Provincial President or Chairperson,
Special Centre. To this end all awards will be announced annually at the October Priory
Council meeting.