1. Marketing personnel at the Branch, Council and National levels provide marketing
support to the Brigade membership by assisting in marketing, promotion, public relations,
and internal and external communications.
2. Brigade-specific promotional materials are developed by all levels of the
organization, based on standards in the Corporate Graphic Standards Manual. It is
the responsibility of personnel receiving bulk materials to distribute them to Brigade
units for their use.
3. Promotional materials include brochures, flyers, posters and videos. Brigade
specific public service announcements (PSAs) may also be produced. Where possible,
promotional materials produced at the national level will be based on limited consultation
with the field.
4. If the local level chooses to produce additional promotional materials, they must
follow the standards in the Corporate Graphic Standards Manual, ensuring that
permission is granted for use of the corporate logo. This is done by submitting a
Permission to Reprint form (see Corporate Graphic Standards Manual) to the
Provincial/Territorial Council Marketing Department.
5. Details of the Corporate Graphic Standards Manual are available through
Councils and Branches.
6.. St. John Canada Today is published for the entire volunteer and staff
membership of St. John Ambulance in Canada. The purpose of this magazine is to applaud the
achievements of St. John Ambulance members in Canada and to inform readers about the
national and international activities of the organization. St. John Canada Today
has been an important conduit through which members of the Brigade are advised of the
activities of other Brigade units and members across Canada.
7. The submission of articles and items for publication in St. John Canada
Today by units and individual members of the Brigade is encouraged, within the
following parameters:
a. articles should be timely and of general interest with wide appeal to the readers of
St. John Canada Today (ie. volunteer recognition, special events, life-saving
b. all articles or suggestions must be sent to:
The Editor
St. John Canada Today
St. John Ambulance National Headquarters
312 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6P6
Fax: (613) 236-2425
c. copy must be legible (preferably typewritten) and must be accompanied by the
authors name and daytime telephone
d. photographs are welcome. Black and white are best for reproduction, good quality
colour photos with high levels of contrast are acceptable. Photographs must be accompanied
by an accurate listing of persons in the photo (from left to right). Specify if the photos
are to be returned, and if so tape the name and return address on the back of the photo
e. deadlines for the next issue are published in each edition of St. John Canada
f. the publisher reserves the right to edit for the purpose of length, general
interest and good taste.
8. St. John Canada Today, is printed a minimum of twice annually, and is mailed
to every active member of St. John Ambulance in Canada. If active members in any unit are
not receiving the magazine, or if members change their permanent address, the
Provincial/Territorial Headquarters is responsible for notifying National Headquarters,
c/o Department of Volunteer Support.
9. Newsletters are produced by some Branches and Councils for distribution within their
geographical jurisdiction. Copies of local newsletters should be provided to National
Headquarters, c/o The Editor, St. John Canada Today.
10. The Corporate Graphic Standards Manual provides detailed guidance for
production of correspondence for external communication.
11. The Brigades success in public relations is directly linked to the
overall success of the Brigade, and is essential to attract and maintain public support
and funds. Brigade members are the most visible members of St. John Ambulance, and have a
responsibility to enhance the image of St. John Ambulance in Canada.
12. Positive public relations and good impressions are made through friendly, prompt
and efficient performance of duties; a display of honesty, integrity, credibility and
enthusiasm; and impeccable personal appearance. Each member of the Brigade is part of a
team, and should extend their rules of courtesy and consideration in dealing with the
public to relationships with fellow Brigade members.
13. Identify one person in each unit to be responsible for dealing with the media, to
ensure a consistent message is given. Ensure this person is up-to-date about statistics
and ongoing projects. Where Branches exist, this person should work with the Branch to
ensure a consistent message.