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1. Brigade property and equipment can be classified into three distinct groups: immovable property, vehicles, and other movable property. All Brigade property and equipment is owned by St. John Ambulance, and is covered by property insurance arranged by Provincial/Territorial Councils. This may be delegated to Branches where they exist.


2. The acquisition of buildings or land for the purpose of a local headquarters, meeting space, drill hall, or for any approved purpose on behalf of the St. John Ambulance Brigade involves legal arrangements, and comes directly under the control of the Provincial/Territorial Council.


3. All furniture, equipment, uniforms, and other goods of any kind, other than personal property or items paid for exclusively by an individual, are the property of the Brigade, whether stored on Brigade property or in the custody of members. Items are held in trust by the responsible officer of the Brigade unit. Each member is responsible for maintaining in good condition all articles of Brigade property entrusted to them.

4. Upon leaving a Brigade unit, a member must return all articles in good condition, with reasonable wear and tear excepted. In the case of uniforms that have been partially paid for by members, settlement will be reached as to their disposal and financial adjustments made accordingly.

5. The authorized logo of St. John Ambulance is referred to in detail in the Corporate Graphic Standards Manual (available through your Branch or Provincial/ Territorial Council). Where practical, the logo will be printed or painted on all articles of equipment belonging to a Brigade unit. A mark that identifies the unit to which the item belongs may also be included. Consult the Corporate Graphic Standards Manual for accepted usage of the logo, and for instances when approval for use of the logo must be sought. Request for approval for use of the logo must be sent to the marketing personnel at your Provincial/Territorial Council, to be forwarded to National Headquarters for approval.



6. Brigade vehicles are generally used as mobile first aid posts/patient care stations rather than for patient transport. In most provinces/territories, the provision of ambulance and/or medical transport service is regulated to the extent that members of the Brigade may be prohibited by law from transporting patients without the express consent of the provincial/territorial authority responsible for ambulance and/or medical transport service. Brigade units are encouraged to acquire Mobile First Aid Units in order to improve their ability to respond to and perform patient care services. The first priority for unit vehicles is to establish a First Aid Post in support of community requirements (see StJCI 2-7-2). Both the vehicle and driver must satisfy all pertinent federal and provincial/territorial regulations. This should be kept in mind when procuring appropriate vehicles and drivers.

7. All vehicles under the long term control of the Brigade should be marked as prescribed in the Corporate Standard Graphics Manual (pages 40, 41). A striping kit in the authorized design has been developed by 3M Canada Inc., and is available in both official languages from Alpine Graphic Production Limited. See Annex A for a fax order form for Alpine Graphic, and Annex B for their price list.

Alpine Graphic can be reached at:

Alpine Graphic Production Limited

300 Norfinch Drive

Toronto, Ontario

M3N 1Y4

Telephone: 1-800-265-8699 or (416) 667-0511

Fax: (416) 667-0567


8. If the vehicle is sponsored or donated by a service agency or commercial establishment, a small tasteful recognition may be included under the vehicle marking.

9. Vehicles under the control of the Brigade must be operated to comply with the laws of the corresponding province/territory. Membership in the St. John Ambulance Brigade does not confer upon the operator of a motor vehicle any entitlement to disregard provincial/territorial law, municipal by-laws or the lawful order of a person placed in authority. Unless operated specifically as an ambulance service, Brigade vehicles are not to use flashing lights or sirens. Exceptions to this are when moving cautiously through a crowd or when participating in a parade.


10. Operational records must be maintained on all Brigade vehicles. As a minimum, the following information must be recorded after each trip:

a. purpose;

b. signature of authorizing officer;

c. start and stop times;

d. initial and final kilometric reading;

e. maintenance performed; and

f. unresolved defects noted during community service.


11. Every unit should have one member designated as the unit storekeeper, to be responsible for an inventory system of all incoming and outgoing Brigade supplies and equipment for their unit.

12. Brigade uniforms, badges and first aid equipment may be obtained through the Council or Branch office. Requisition forms and price lists are available from Provincial/Territorial Headquarters.

13. Brigade units are expected to maintain expenses according to their budget. See StJCI 2-10 for details of the budgeting process.


14. In the event of the disbandment of a Brigade unit, all Brigade property that belonged to that unit will be given to the Provincial/Territorial Commissioner. It will then be disposed of as directed by the Provincial/Territorial Council, after a further period of twelve months.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000