1. The St. John Ambulance Brigade is often the first link in a chain of health care
professionals that will treat an ill or injured person. The continuity of appropriate care
for each patient may be determined by the documentation provided on the Patient Care
Record (PCR) form. It is essential that this documentation is accurate and concise.
2. The primary goals of the Patient Care Record (PCR) are:
a. to document the patients condition and treatments and/or actions taken by the
patient care provider; and
b. to document information as a means of communication to other health care providers
and, therefore, to provide the best possible care for the patient. The PCR is also a legal
3. The National Patient Care Record form (see Annex A), developed by National
Headquarters, reflects the minimum standard of information required. It has been reviewed
by St. John Ambulance medical and nursing professionals, as well as legal counsel to
ensure the best possible protection for the patient, the Brigade member, and St. John
Ambulance. The National Patient Care Record form should be completed in triplicate. Any
other forms developed at other levels must incorporate, as a minimum, all the components
of the National Patient Care Record form.
4. Adhering to the following guidelines will help ensure accurate patient
a. complete thorough documentation during and immediately following the intervention;
b. be concise and specific, using lay terms and avoiding short forms;
c. indicate clearly on the form if informed consent was obtained (see StJCI 2-7-2,
paragraphs 14 to 16 for details on consent);
d. record to whom responsibility of care is turned over, including the time and the
patients status at that time;
e. all patients must be advised to seek further treatment from a physician, either
immediately or at some time in the future.
5. All PCRs must be treated as confidential documents. The information provided by the
patient is in confidence, and is not for divulgence to anyone except those responsible for
providing care to the patient. All requests for access to these records must be in writing
(see sample Release of Brigade Patient Care Record, Annex B) Only the patient (or
parent/guardian for minors) can authorize the release of the PCR or information contained
on the form. Unless otherwise directed by court order, only copies of the original PCR
should be released. If the original is required to be released, a copy of the original
must be retained.
6. The organizer of an event to which St. John Ambulance has been invited does not have
the right to confidential patient information, including the PCR. Members should advise
event organizers that St. John Ambulance has an absolute obligation to maintain
confidentiality to patients, but will provide whatever assistance and information they can
(ie. statistical information, or other information that does not reveal the identity of
the patient).