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1. Personnel administration is maintained at Unit, Council and National levels. National Headquarters maintains the master personnel records on both active and inactive members of the Brigade to achieve the following:

a. ongoing communication, through the maintenance of up-to-date addresses for each Brigade member;

b. maintenance of the national awards program, and issuance of national awards to Brigade members;

c. maintenance of records for historical purposes; and

d. compilation of information for statistical analysis.

2. Individuals responsible for handling Brigade records, at all levels, should be made aware of the importance of personnel administration to the overall maintenance of membership and members awards. (See StJCI 2-6-1 on Awards.)

3. Two reports make up the personnel administration of all Brigade members:

a. Membership Form (formerly Personnel Transaction Voucher, or PTV) is initiated by the unit (Council, Area, Division), to transmit to National Headquarters (NHQ), through Provincial/Territorial Headquarters (PHQ) all events that affect the personal career of each member of the Brigade, including:

i. enrollment or re-enrollment;

ii. achievement of qualification;

iii. appointment, promotion or reversion of appointment;

iv. transfer between units of the Brigade;

v. change in name or address;

vi. release from the Brigade (retirement, resignation, leave of absence, dismissal or deceased).

b. Unit Annual Report with Summary Sheet is initiated by the unit on an annual basis, to transmit to NHQ, through PHQ, a compilation of unit information on each member, including:

i. name

ii. ID number

iii. position

iv. course information (type and year taken)

v. number of voluntary community service hours

4. Refer to StJCI 2-1-2 for policy on privacy of information.


PROCEDURES - MEMBERSHIP FORM (formerly Personnel Transaction Voucher)

5. The same Membership Form must be completed for every member upon joining the Brigade, or when a change in their personal information or status occurs. The Membership Form passes from the originating unit to NHQ, where it is held, to ensure all levels have the same information. Separate application forms for joining the Brigade may be used in addition (see StJCI 2-9-2, Appendix 2 to Annex A), but should be held by the appropriate unit.

6. The Membership Form (see Annex A) consists of four sections: Unit Information, Member Information, Member Status, and Authority.

7. Unit Information - identifies the originating unit.

a. The Province is identified by two letters:


British Columbia


Federal District






Northwest Territories


New Brunswick




Nova Scotia









b. Unit Type is identified by a single letter:















c. The Unit Designator identifies the number by which the unit is known. See Annex B for unit designation codes.

d. The National ID number will be allocated automatically by NHQ, unless otherwise indicated.

8. Member Information - provides basic information about the member, including name, address, birthdate, language preference, member type, professional qualifications (ie. MD, RN, EMT, EMCA), and date of joining the Brigade.


9. Member Status - identifies a new member, first aid qualifications, change in status for current members, and the effective date of the transaction. Status changes include:

a. rejoining

b. transfer from one unit to another

c. change of appointment (see Annex C for appointment codes)

d. relinquishment of appointment (see Annex C for appointment codes)

e. release (retirement, resignation, dismissal, deceased or leave of absence)

10. Authority - provides signatures at each level, beginning with the originating unit, to authorize the transaction.

PROCEDURES - unit Annual Report with Summary Sheet

11. In December of each year, National Headquarters will prepare a Unit Annual Report form (see Annex D) for each Brigade unit for distribution to units through Provincial/Territorial Headquarters. This report will contain the name and appointment of members on the unit roll at the beginning of the year, and members enrolled during the year and for whom a Membership Form has been received by NHQ.

12. Unit Annual Reports must be completed for all Junior, Cadet, Crusader and Adult units, in both Patient Care Services and Community Care Services. Auxiliary members must also be included.

13. Units are responsible for updating and confirming the accuracy of the information in the report, as of 31 December, and making changes as follows:

a. delete members who are no longer with the unit, indicating the reason, and forward a completed Membership Form with the Annual Report;

b. add members who have joined your unit but do not show on the report, and forward a completed Membership Form with the Annual Report;

c. for each member, indicate:

i. name

ii. position

iii. course information, including type (see bottom of the Annual Report for appropriate acronynms for Standard Level First Aid, Emergency Level First Aid and BTS Levels 1, 2 or 3) and year taken

iv. hours of service (voluntary community service) for the year

v. other comments (ie. indicate courses other than those already identified)

d. National ID numbers will be allocated automatically by NHQ, unless otherwise indicated.


14. The Summary Sheet (formerly Cover Sheet) (see Annex E) provides a summary of the unit’s information, to assist in compiling statistical data. It is to be filled out and returned to NHQ with the completed Unit Annual Report.

15. The Unit Qualifying Service Summary form (see Annex F), is issued by NHQ after processing the Unit Annual Reports, to indicate unit members’ annual eligibility for service awards (i.e. three-, six- and nine-year bars, and the Service Medal of the Order).

handling personnel records

16. The Unit Superintendent or Commissioner is responsible for ensuring accurate and up-to-date personnel records are kept and appropriately filed for each of their members. This responsibility may be delegated to another unit member.

17. All personnel records must be treated confidentially. Refer to StJCI 2-1-2 for policy on privacy of information.

18. Upon relinquishment of their post, the member responsible for personnel records must transfer all records to their successor.

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Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: February 01, 2000