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Sample letter to accompany VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM


(On letterhead)



Welcome to St. John Ambulance. If you are interested in applying to become a St. John Ambulance volunteer, you will find an application package enclosed which includes a complete list of all our volunteer opportunities, a brochure about volunteering with St. John and an application form to be completed and returned to our office prior to (or at ) the time of your interview.

St. John Ambulance volunteers are often placed in positions of significant trust with vulnerable people. For this reason, our volunteers are screened carefully to ensure that they are suitable candidates prior to being accepted into our program.

Once you have decided that you would like to join St. John Ambulance as a volunteer, your next step is to arrange for a personal interview. At the time of your appointment, bring your completed application form (if you have not already submitted it to our office) along with any original First Aid, Health Care, or CPR course certificates and textbooks you have already obtained. You may also bring a copy of your résumé.

Following your interview, you will be asked to fill out a consent form for a police records check and your references will be pursued.

When providing reference names on your application form, be sure to provide two references who can comment objectively about you, such as an employer or a teacher. The third may be by someone who knows you more personally, such as a friend or relative. At least one of the references should have known you for two (2) or more years.

Thank you for your interest in St. John Ambulance. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at the number below.


(tel: # )

(Contact name: )


Information Request about St. John Instructions - Part II

or question
Phone (Optional)

Send mail to Don Smith with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: August 16, 1998