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International Cadet Ham Radio Experience
November 21, 1999

1999 St. John Ambulance
International Cadet Ham Radio Experience
Juniors (Badgers), Cadets, Crusaders and Brigade members had such a good time when we first made contact by Amateur Radio (a.k.a. ham radio) on June 20th 1999, we have decided to co-operate on another event. We are working on making this an Annual Event "St. John Youth on the Air", but it can't happen if you're not there!

Contact your local Amateur Radio Club or a local Amateur Radio Operator to enlist their support to make this day a memorable occasion. Ham Radio Operators are another dedicated group of volunteers who are always ready to lend a hand with communications and sharing their special skills. We were also very fortunate to find out that many of these operators were also former St. John Ambulance members!

The Special Event Station in the UK will be using the call sign GB4OSJ. The hours of operation will be from 09:00 (UTC) until 17:00 (UTC). The frequencies of operation will be:

80 metre        3.650 MHz    + or -      QRM

40 metre        7.050 MHz    + or -     QRM

20 metre        14.260 MHz    + or -     QRM

15 metre        21.260 MHz    + or -     QRM

Canada will probably be working on the 20 metre band during the day.

This event is also a great opportunity to allow our youth to obtain an insight into the exciting world of Amateur Radio. By the way, this is also a great way to start working on a Proficiency Subject - Category G (Radio Communications).

So please join us on November 21st from 09:00 (UTC) until 17:00 (UTC); we'll be listening for you!!!

Francis C. Pitre
National Cadet Officer
Send mail to Don Smith with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997 St. John Ambulance Cadets of Ontario
Last modified: January 07, 2001