a. direct the Brigade Units in their province/territory of jurisdiction in support of
the objectives, strategic plan and mission of St. John Ambulance;
b. supervise and direct the work of all senior and provincial/territorial Brigade
Officers to ensure good maintenance of the internal organization and work of the Brigade
within the Council;
c. serve as a member of the Council Board of Directors (usually as a Vice-President),
Chairperson of the Provincial/Territorial Brigade Committee and Brigade Executive
Committee, a member of the National Brigade Committee, and an ex-officio member of all
other Brigade Committees within their Council;
d. represent the Brigade in their province/territory at public events;
e. seek input from members of the Brigade in the province/territory and represent their
interests at meetings of Provincial/Territorial Council, the Provincial/Territory Brigade
Committee, and the National Brigade Committee;
f. ensure the screening policy as set out in StJCI 2-9-2 is implemented at all levels
of the Brigade within their provincial/territorial jurisdiction;
g. ensure all other national policies relating to volunteers in general and the Brigade
specifically are implemented at all levels of the Brigade within their
provincial/territorial jurisdiction;
h. provide direction in the expansion, development and recruitment of members for new
and existing Brigade Units;
i. establish and maintain operational standards and levels of efficiency;
j. establish and maintain the standards of the working uniform;
k. support all levels in the maintenance of order and discipline within the Brigade;
l. establish and maintain both directly and through Provincial/Territorial Brigade
Officers, liaison and support with Area Commissioners/Divisional Superintendents and
National Headquarters;
m. establish orderly lines of communication within the Brigade structure to ensure
speedy response and action to concerns and requirements of members at all levels;
n. provide guidance and advice to Area Commissioners/Divisional Superintendents;
o. establish long-range planning that complements national strategic plans and action
p. convene disciplinary or investigative committees as required, within guidelines set
in StJCI 2-9-3;
q. advance all efforts for recruitment campaigns and public relations; and
r. ensure all deserving members of the Brigade within their provincial/territorial
jurisdiction are recognized for their length or quality of service.